Christy Hall
Christy picked up her first astrology book in 2001 and is still left in awe by the discovery of the way the Universe operates. A practicing astrologer since 2009, she was a founding member of the Astrological Society of Austin and is currently serving on the board of Astrological Society of North Texas as well as AFAN, the Association For Astrological Networking, a global non-profit dedicated to enhancing the role astrology has in today’s society.
With a diploma from Glenn Perry’s AstroPsychology Program, and more than 10 years of consultation experience, she teaches classes on Manifesting Venus, Lunar Phases and other astrology courses. She has lectured on Hero Myths as well as a wide variety of other astrological / metaphysical topics with great enthusiasm and making the subject matter accessible to anyone attending the talks. She wants everyone – even non-astrologers or beginners to fully comprehend the amazing nature of the Cosmos. Christy is married with 2 children, and 3 dogs whom she loves beyond all reason.